
Posts Tagged ‘tip’

When it comes to making changes in our lives, we have two options: make progress or make excuses. Working with many leaders, I have uncovered the top three sabotages to stop progress.

  1. Unsure of what to do – Anytime we take a new journey, we may not know how to walk the path. We may spend so much time thinking about or worrying about what to do that we do not take action.
    Success tip: One of the best ways to move forward is look for role models of people who have already done what you are seeking to do. Be courageous and ask a role model about their journey. Often times, leaders, experts and creators are humbled to be of service to those seeking to make a positive difference. In sharing their experiential wisdom, you can uncover invaluable tools to avoid the pitfalls that they encountered and the keys to their success.
    Success tip: Set your ego straight that in every new venture there is a learning curve. After all, every master was once a beginner. Every pro started as an amateur. Every icon began as an unknown. CCnqYnaUMAAIyKF
  2. The power of intention – There is tremendous power when the head and heart align to a common goal. A great example about the power of intention is the story of William H Murray. He spent three years in Prisoner of War camps during World War II. While imprisoned, Murray wrote a book entitled Mountaineering in Scotland. The first draft of the work was written on the only paper available to him – rough toilet paper. The manuscript was found and destroyed by the Gestapo. To the incredulity of his fellow prisoners, Murray’s response to the loss was to start again, despite the risk of its loss and that his physical condition was so poor from the near starvation diet that he believed he would never climb again. One of the famous quotes he wrote on the toilet paper was ““Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.” (Source)
  1. Success tip: Write out your intention and why it matters to you. When you write out your intention, you manifest it from just a thought into reality. When you write at least three reasons why your intention matters to you, you access the power of your heart to move you forward no matter what the circumstance.EverestWestRidgeMurrayQuoteSCBOct67

3. Get an accountability buddy. The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) did a study on accountability and found the following statistics:
The probability of completing a goal if:
▪ You have an idea or a goal:  10%
▪ You consciously decide you will do it:  25%
▪ You decide when you will do it:  40%
▪ You plan how  you will do it:  50%
▪ You commit to someone you will do it:  65%
▪ You have a specific accountability appointment with a person you’ve committed to:  95%
1. Success Tip: Commit to contacting an accountability buddy at least one time a week. When contacting your accountability buddy, be clear about your intentions, have evidence of working towards your goal and make sure to ask for ongoing help in any area you feel challenged. Hiring a leadership coach has also been shown to help people take quantum leaps in your success.94926f1985ba3fcdc87a952dc7dc4910--making-excuses-simple-way

Schedule a free interview with top leadership coach Jenny R Craig LCSW, BCD at jcraig@insitestrategist.com or learn more at www.insitestrategist.com


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Want to spread the power of gratitude throughout your company or school?
Free faciliator training for the Grateful Ring Program will be on Monday March 16th at 7:00pm EST
Call in #: 1-605-562-3000
participant access code 346181#

Grateful Ring curriculum teaches people how to harness the power of wisdom, caring, community and collaboration to create the highest good for all.
Follow schools on our blog as they learn:
Personal Responsibility – Each student will receive their own Grateful Ring and learn curriculum on how to wire their brain to boost positivity. They will learn how to think, write and speak about gratitude to uncover the power positivity brings to their own life.
Empathetic Citizenship – After 30 days, the children will choose someone in the community to share new knowledge, pass on their gratitude ring and become accountable to creating a grateful community to uncover the power they have to help others.
Global Leadership – After 30 days of helping someone in the community, the children will choose another school in the world to train the positive thinking they have learned and recognize that they have the power to make changes across the world.

Recent testimonials

Jack Canfield of Chicken Soup for the Soul enjoying his grateful ring

Jack Canfield of Chicken Soup for the Soul enjoying his grateful ring


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Contact us today at stories@gratefulring.com

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Power tip:

Science shows practicing gratitude releases powerful chemicals in your brain allowing for decreased depression and anxiety while boosting immunity.    One of my favorite assignments for the people I work with is to have them write a hand written letter to a person that has changed their life for the better and send it.  The person writing the letter experiences joy and gratitude creating the letter and for sharing it with someone that truly has made a difference to them.  The person receiving the letter gets an unexpected beautiful gift in the mail one day reinforcing that the wonderful things they do for others make a difference in the world.  Imagine the difference that you can make in someone’s life by taking the time to share how grateful you are for them.

Gratitude in business tip:  A client of mine utilized gratitude notes in his business for his employees.  Each time he noticed behaviors that were commendable, he took the time to write a hand written note and give his employees a gratitude ring. The outcome?  The employees productivity went up, teamwork became more cohesive and employees reported increased satisfaction within the workplace.  Find out more power tips at http://www.liveyourpower.com  Get your staff grateful rings at http://www.gratefulring.com


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