
Posts Tagged ‘make a difference’

As the Juvenile Civil Citation Program Coordinator we utilized the Grateful Ring program curriculum that was offered for our first time offenders- practical tools for real life success.  This proactive character education program helped our first time offenders build character, develop leadership and offered ways to creative a positive community.  After the six one hour sessions, the Civil Citation kids reported the skills were so important that they could not understand why they were not already taught in traditional education.  After the program, they reported a better understanding of managing their emotions and thoughts and were quite enthusiastic how they were going to change their lives in the future.   One offender was able to connect with his parents and share a plan that he created to living out a new vision within his life.  Another one of the offenders not only learned the power of meditation but began to teach his family and friends the power of meditation.  The teens reported learning skills and tools to manage anger, guilt and social pressures to conform that will help them to forgive themselves, make better choices to ensure not reoffending and understand how the brain works to form a vision, foundation and be a role model for good.  Even myself as a 28 year Law Enforcement Officer attended the program and learned new skills to live a better life.  As we know, all behaviors begin with the thoughts we form each day.  Teaching our Civil Citation kids how to take control of their thoughts and emotions is one of the most important solutions to building a better community.
Thanks so much for your consideration and hope we will partner in the near future so we can give kids a better life and be crime free.
Cpl. Patti Holt
Juvenile Civil Citation Coordinator

Grateful Ring curriculum teaches children how to harness the power of wisdom, caring, community and collaboration to create the highest good for all.
Follow schools on our blog as they learn:
Personal Responsibility – Each student will receive their own Grateful Ring and learn curriculum on how to wire their brain to boost positivity. They will learn how to think, write and speak about gratitude to uncover the power positivity brings to their own life.
Empathetic Citizenship – After 30 days, the children will choose someone in the community to share new knowledge, pass on their gratitude ring and become accountable to creating a grateful community to uncover the power they have to help others.
Global Leadership – After 30 days of helping someone in the community, the children will choose another school in the world to train the positive thinking they have learned and recognize that they have the power to make changes across the world.
Follow us at FACEBOOK

Want to have your school harness the power of wisdom, caring, community and collaboration to create the highest good for all or be a sponsor?
Contact us today at stories@gratefulring.com

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Are you an emerging global leader? Join me at the IMPACT Leadership 21 Leadership Academy in the United Nations Plaza in July. So excited to be speaking with UN Amassadors and other international change makers!

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