
Posts Tagged ‘success’

When negative people, events or even our own thoughts get us off track, it is powerful to remember that we have the power to shift our own perception. Check out this five minute video on how to have a good day… definitely worth the watch.
Want a minute by minute reminder to be grateful? Join in the gratitude ring movement and get your own gratitude ring today at http://www.gratefulring.com

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Power tip:

Science shows practicing gratitude releases powerful chemicals in your brain allowing for decreased depression and anxiety while boosting immunity.    One of my favorite assignments for the people I work with is to have them write a hand written letter to a person that has changed their life for the better and send it.  The person writing the letter experiences joy and gratitude creating the letter and for sharing it with someone that truly has made a difference to them.  The person receiving the letter gets an unexpected beautiful gift in the mail one day reinforcing that the wonderful things they do for others make a difference in the world.  Imagine the difference that you can make in someone’s life by taking the time to share how grateful you are for them.

Gratitude in business tip:  A client of mine utilized gratitude notes in his business for his employees.  Each time he noticed behaviors that were commendable, he took the time to write a hand written note and give his employees a gratitude ring. The outcome?  The employees productivity went up, teamwork became more cohesive and employees reported increased satisfaction within the workplace.  Find out more power tips at http://www.liveyourpower.com  Get your staff grateful rings at http://www.gratefulring.com


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Do you find yourself creating plan after plan to get your next level but never seem to get the momentum you need to move forward?


In the process of change, many of us spend countless hours planning our greatest success.  As we begin to implement our plan, we all make mistakes, fail to meet goals, get distracted or end up frustrated.  One of the biggest secrets of the millionaires that I work with is to make sure  you surround yourself with people who challenge you to be at your best.


As you are the sum of the five people that you hang out with the most, you tend to maintain the same level of success, finances, consciousness and happiness as your peers.  When you are ready to take a quantum leap to change, it is necessary to surround yourself with people who challenge you, encourage you and give you perspective on the steps we need to get to your next level of success.


Your power tool™ for today is to take a look at the qualities of the people you are hanging out with and determine if those are the qualities you want in your life.  If they are not, you have a few options.


1) Find someone who already has done what you want to do.  For example, if you want to publish a book, find an author who already has through your local press club.  Most successful people love to share their journey and help others on the way.  People who have already “been there, done that” will inspire you your dream is possible versus people who may try and squash your dreams because they have never done it.  Successful people will also save you hours of frustration as they can provide insights how they navigated into the unknown to reach their dreams.


2) Join an alliance.  Alliances surround you with powerful people of positive mindset to offer you fresh perspectives, creative insights, encouragement and accountability to get to your next level of success. Alliances will provide you with  POWER partners and check points to meet goals and promote action in one another.  Passionate actions are contagious.  As one person in the group takes action to reach their success, they inspire others to go forth as well. Read how you can be a part of the  Live your Power™ Alliance


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